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A Start To A Bright Future

      My name is Brian Depp and I am currently enrolled at Elmira College as I pursue a bachelor’s degree in Art and also Visual Art Education. I have always had a passion for art but it wasn’t until I came to Elmira College that I began to think I could really do something with my skill set. I work with a lot of different mediums that include; drawing, sculpting, video, and photography. After college I will continue to pursue the art life in New York City and make a name for myself. My goals include landing a job dealing with videos or photography, and creating something original that can tell a story, a story that people can relate to in one way or another.

When it comes to taking photos I want to capture things that make people feel emotion, I want the viewer to be able to look at one and create their own narrative behind it. I use photography to express emotions or to document a story. My first photography project is titled “Behind the Scenes” which includes behind the scene pictures you dont get to see as just a fan of the sport.

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